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Advanced Lasers & Feelings is half way between an excuse to make a funny about "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons" and a serious attempt to add a few extra rules to the already perfect game, Lasers & Feelings by John Harper. It was penned in a single sitting with marker on printer paper, minimally edited, and playtested not at all. I hope you love it.

You'll need Lasers & Feelings to play Advanced Lasers & Feelings, so download that first! Advanced Lasers & Feelings is conveniently formatted to be printed on the back side of Lasers & Feelings!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

advanced_lasers_and_feelings.pdf 2 MB


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Tambem concordo com a ideia do L&F do Jhon Harper ser 100% perfeito, mas seu material tem muito a contribuir com essas novas ideias de regras, eu adorei 😁

Thanks so much!

de nada :)